Since 2008, we've specialized in ethical digital, omni-channel, attendee/face to face marketing solutions. We've crafted custom marketing & engagement solutions for some of the largest healthcare organizations in the world. In our work with thousands of patients, doctors, and healthcare companies over the years, we’ve always been tasked with some type of growth initiative. We’ve brought that experience and passion for health, medicine and wellness, to create the community.
We’ve seen it over and over. When practices run smoothly and profitably, we see less doctor and staff burnout, better communication, more job satisfaction, and the quality of care for patients goes way up. Your patients like that. You like that. That’s what motivates us. Our mission is to help you get more of that.
From solo practices to large groups to alternative models, the challenges are great, certainly as practices deal with staff issues, rent and equipment, administrative burdens, regulatory changes, the costs of constantly evolving tech, shifting consumer trends, all in the face of decreasing reimbursements and more competition.
It’s simple. Growth is a team sport. The tools for a successful practice are out there. They are on ten thousand websites. They are at hundreds of annual meetings. They are in dozens of magazines and in reams of marketing books. They are stuffed in the heads of people never quite within reach. We want to do a better job of bringing you these tools and resources and we hope you’ll support the community.